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Diving Deeper This Week

Knowing God & Growing Together

Dive deeper this week into God's word through weekly Bible readings, questions for the lunch table, and more.

December 8, 2024

Knowing God

Bible-in-2-Years Weekly Reading:

Isaiah 9-25

Proverbs 5-11


WCF Smaller Catechism #26:

Q: How does Christ execute the office of a king?

​A: Christ executes the office of a king in gathering us to Himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restraining and conquering all His and our enemies.


Growing Together

Today's Bible Explorers Kids' Class: "Moses Parted the Red Sea (Exodus 13-15)


Questions for the Lunch Table:

  • Did the Egyptians have any power against God? Why not?

  • How did God show He loved His people? How does God show love for us?

  • Why did God’s people worship God when they reached the other side of the sea?

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