Sunday Mornings
What time is Worship?
Worship starts at 10:15 and usually lasts 75 minutes. However, you're welcome to come early and join us for fellowship before the service!
Do you have a Children's Ministry?
Yes! Children worship in the service until the sermon and then are dismissed to their classrooms. This includes infants through 8th grade.
What's the worship style?
Worship is casual and contemporary, with Christ-focused liturgy and Bible-based preaching.
Can I take Communion?
Communion is the first Sunday of every month, available to everyone who recognizes they are a sinner in need of the grace of God. As long as that describes your heart, then you don't have to be a member of our church or our denomination to participate!
Anything else I should know?
We are happy to have you and will always welcome you with a smile. If you do not feel comfortable participating in every aspect of the service, that is okay! We're just happy to have you there.